John Deere Golf and Turf Equipment

John Deere Golf and Turf Equipment

AFGRI Equipment offers a wide variety of John Deere golf course turf equipment to take care of your golf course, cut costs and take your course maintenance to a whole new level.

You can now get the control you’ve always dreamed of on your course. Both our PrecisionCut™ and TerrainCut™ mowers feature our exclusive TechControl™ Display, allowing you to control both the speed and frequency of the clip.

AFGRI Equipment offers the following to our clients in the Greenkeeping Industry:

Fairway Mowers:

John Deere Fairway Mowers come in two versions: the PrecisionCut™ Fairway Mowers with eHydro™ hydrostatic pumps and large capacity motors for serious hill-climbing. And the E-Cut™ Hybrid Fairway Mowers with electric reel motors, eliminating all hydraulic leak points from the reel circuit, where 90 percent of hydraulic leaks occur.

Gator Turf Utility Vehicles

Known as the “Landcruiser of all utility vehicles”. The Gator Turf Utility Vehicles are engineered for the long haul, with heavy-duty gas, diesel, and electric models, specially designed for Sports, Golf, and Turf applications.

Zero Turn Mowers

It’s time to mow better, faster with a John Deere zero-turn mower. With multiple mower deck options, engine sizes, and the ability to turn on a dime, you’ll cover any amount of turf in record time.

For more information on the world’s best golf course equipment contact us at [email protected]



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