After great anticipation, the John Deere X9 Series Combine was launched at NAMPO Harvest Day 2022 and since then has created a massive hype around the incredible operational capacity and performance of the all-new class 11 Combine to arrive on South African shores. The AFGRI Equipment Team decided to use the first opportunity to demonstrate this impressive machine at a farmer’s day in Vrede, FS.
What our team saw on demonstration day exceeded all existing expectations as the John Deere X9 Combine. This Combine Harvester is literally in a class of its own, here are a couple of the frequently asked questions we encountered on the day:
How many tons per hour can the John Deere X9 1100 Combine Harvest?
250 tons of maize per hour

What is the Horse Power of the John Deere X9 1100 Combine Harvester?
It operates at 603 HP/450 KW

What is the maximum size Header that can be used for maize or Soya Beans?
We recommend that our farmers do not use anything larger than a 24-row header on 0.52m spacing and 18 on 0.76m spacing. The new John Deere HD50F Hinged frame flex draper would do the trick.

What is the maximum capacity of the Grain Tank?
Approx. 13 tons/16210 litres

What is the maximum capacity of the Diesel Tank?
1250 litres

What is the fuel consumption per ton?
241 ton @ 103 litres per hour which comes to R53.00 per ton